Interactive Modeling is a straightforward, quickly paced, seven-step process that's effective for teaching children any academic or social skill, routine, or procedure that you want them to do in a specific way (whether for safety, efficiency, or other reasons). One of the essential practices of the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching elementary school children, Interactive Modeling can be used by any adult anywhere in school at any time of year.
How does Interactive Modeling differ from traditional modeling?
In traditional modeling, the teacher shows children how to do a skill, routine, or procedure, tells them what to notice, and expects that they will learn it immediately. Interactive Modeling also shows children how to do skills, routines, or procedures, but it goes well beyond that basic step. Students also:
- Learn exactly why the skill, routine, or procedure is important to their learning and the respectful, smooth functioning of the classroom.
- Are asked what they noticed about the teacher's modeling (rather than told by their teacher what to notice).
- See a few classmates additionally model the routine or procedure after the teacher's initial modeling.
- Practice the routine or procedure right away.
- Receive immediate feedback and coaching from their teacher while they practice.
Why is Interactive Modeling more effective than traditional modeling?
The distinctive steps of Interactive Modeling incorporate key elements of effective teaching: modeling positive behaviors, engaging students in active learning, and immediately assessing their understanding. Research shows that when we teach in this way, children achieve greater, faster, and longer-lasting success in meeting expectations and mastering skills.With Interactive Modeling, children create clear, positive mental images of what is expected of them. They do the noticing themselves, which builds up their powers of observation and their analysis and communication skills. In addition, because they get immediate practice, they gain quicker expertise and stronger mastery of the procedure or skill being taught
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